Top 3 Webinar Takeaways: Technology Stacks And A Winning Customer Experience


April 19, 2021 | Bounteous

It’s no secret that online ordering and personalized loyalty programs have skyrocketed in popularity for QSRs in the past year. Brands are continually striving to achieve a frictionless funnel with behavioral and transactional data so that their technology stack has all the information needed for personalization. Yet, at what point is there too much data and how do we unify it into a comprehensive technology stack built under purpose?

To help discuss key insights on how to drive loyalty and revenue with the right technology stack, our VP of Product, Rob Tedesco, joined other leading technology, solution, and restaurant experts from Amplitude, mParticle, Braze, Fiesta Restaurant Group, and Branch in this webinar. During the panel discussion, three major themes emerged that the panelists repeatedly circled back to: flexibility, evolution and growth.


One of the key takeaways from this discussion was that flexibility in a modern technology stack is completely necessary. When Tedesco was asked how improved apps and loyalty programs are created, he provided a good reminder that not every customer is the same, making flexibility a crucial component. “Each first step in a digital journey can and should look a little different because every brand, menu, customers, and competitors are different so a one size fits all kind of approach just really doesn’t cut it”, said Tedesco.


The panelists also discussed that personalization is an evolving journey that takes time. Tedesco again gave a glimpse into the Bounteous thought process on evolution by adding, “We like to think of product mindset over project mindset. Projects have a start and an end where you can’t really think of personalization or getting a great digital experience. Whereas, a product is an evolution and an ongoing commitment where you have incremental gains over time by building out the journey over the long haul.”


Lastly, this discussion concluded that skillfully leveraging customer data will result in dramatic company growth. James Fang from mParticle brought up a great point that it’s often difficult to discern which data is valuable or not, and then to unify that data across channels is a whole other battle in itself. To sum it up perfectly, Magith Noohukhan from Braze stated  “Sending the right message, in the right channel, at the right time is fundamentally key” in regards to company growth. 

Watch the Webinar here